We just launched the next generation of transportation software. Meet TMS.ai.

The expanding carriers guide to

Replacing the TMS

Replacing a TMS system can be overwhelming. Our guide breaks it down into manageable pieces so you can get it done.

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Included in this report

  • Steps to replacing the TMS
  • How to plan your future state
  • Things to consider when selecting a new TMS
  • How to sequence your projects and execute your program
  • Training and educating your team
  • How to successfully go-live

Your TMS has been there forever. The story, as best as you can reconstruct, is that the founder of a trucking company realized that once they got to twenty trucks they couldn't run the business on pen and paper or spreadsheets any longer...

So they asked around and found a system that everyone else was using. It fitted the business needs with orders, dispatching, accounting and reporting, all in one package. And if we’re being honest, it’s worked pretty well. Orders get accepted, EDI works most of the time, loads get planned and dispatched, and it all gets billed. The people who have been here a while have learned to work within it and work around the problems that come up. They outsourced the server and network maintenance so they don’t have to worry about that as much, and while they don’t like to see the hosting invoice, it’s just another cost of doing business.

But in the last few months, you’ve started to see the cracks in the system.